Baiting up Accurately – Jamie Lunn

Baiting up Accurately – Jamie Lunn

So, where to start with the minefield that is marking your swim and spodding some bait into your marked area. We will start at the beginning, shall we? Let’s take a look at how I approach this. Firstly, when I pack the car to go to my chosen water, I pack the marker...


The X-Spod differs from other spods in that it opens into 4 segments on impact – these sections held in place by magnets makes retrieval easy as it skips over the surface with less resistance.The unique design enables baiting up in different ways, scooping from...
THE X-SPOD – Gary ‘Milky’ Lowe

THE X-SPOD – Gary ‘Milky’ Lowe

The Wolf X-Spod Performance is a unique spod that floats without the aid of any other device, the X-Spod will open in four sections and will deliver all your bait on the spot. There are two X-Spods in the range and this is the larger of the two and is excellent for...