Winter Carp Fishing – Armin Eibl

Most anglers are packing away their tackle during the colder months, but in my opinion the most interesting time of the season is just about to start! The water temperature is already below 5 degrees and there is hardly any activity at the lake. Never the less I decided to spend 48 hours on the bank to catch a winter Carp.

Find them!

Every time I fish from the boat, my 10ft X3K’s are the first choice for this type of fishing. I also have my underwater camera always with me – no matter if you are looking for spots, checking the feeding area or locating fish – the cam has become one of the most important tools in my equipment.

The first spot was found very quickly. A huge sunken tree was the perfect place to hide for the Carp during winter. On the camera I saw some Carp laying on the bottom between some branches, but they don’t seem to be very active!

In front of the tree there was a free space, where I presented a small PVA stick with a yellow 14mm pop up.

The second spot was a big field of weed that still was one meter high.

While I was drifting over exactly this field, a good Mirror followed by an even better Common Carp swam right under the lens of my camera.


Two active fish – that was a very good sign! On this spot I presented 24mm Maplex boilie with a fake corn, covered in Maplex paste. I also spread out a handful of boilies in this area.

After two hours, the rod near the weed went off! I got into the boat real quick and rowed towards the fish.


10 minutes later I landed an awesome Mirror, which I saw on my underwater camera earlier. The first winter Carp was caught and I was very happy with that!

After I put the fish back into the water, I put the rod back out. The rest of the night was quiet. In the morning I checked the spots again and a little bit of food was still there.

What now?

Again I scanned some areas of the water with the camera but couldn’t find any fish. So, I decided to continue fishing the two spots I found earlier.

The rods were out for exactly 24 hours since the last bite and suddenly the Qi was screaming! Again, the rod in the weed!

After a short fight, I managed to land a massive Common Carp!

What a fish!

It couldn’t have gone better. This Carp was also put back into its element after a short photo session!


If you search, you will find 😜🤘

TL Armin


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