Place: Bodegraven (Holland)
Date Of birth: 18th of march 1983.
Job: ICT/service engineer for office and field members. Board member of a local fishing club BHSV Bodegraven.
Hi, my name is Tim and I live in the middle of the Green Hart in the West of the Netherlands between Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Every day I wake up with the thoughts where can I catch some real nice fish, it’s a way of living. tonight a couple of hours ? The weekend, one or two nights ? Where should I go….. The most I prefer is in the farmers landscape, the open plains, the rest, the most beautiful pearls in the mostly small waters and the beautiful nature. 4 seasons a year.
Why Wolf?: I chose Wolf because it is an emerging brand with really nice products, the blanks, the method ball, the quality. I like it very much. It’s a challenge to putting a new brand on the map. So I have not hesitated to embark on this adventure with the pack.
My favorite Wolf Product: Of course the Wolf Icon Qi alarm in combination with the Hubb, great registration and everything can be checked en set on the Hubb. Total control !!!
My PB: A dutch 22,2 kg common carp from open water.
What are your hobbies apart from fishing: Repairing my car, beginning with photography, cooking and relaxing.
Favourite Style of Fishing: Specimen hunting, small waters, method fishing and instant.
Favourite Holiday Destination: French Alps, Curacao (the sun and the beach).