Hello, everyone! My name is Manuel Michalzik, I come from Germany and I was born on August 23, 1982. My friends call me Manu and even if the English guys from Wolf weren’t all thrilled at first that I wanted to be addressed by Manchester United’s nickname, they probably got used to it. I’ve been with Wolf since 2019 and take care of social media and the affairs of the German boys. I started carp fishing around 1997 and haven’t gotten away from it since this year. I love it in its many facets and always experience new ways and approaches. Whether it’s fishing on well pre-baited spots, catching carp on the surface or stalking, everything has its own special features. Another great and for me very important aspect of carp fishing is the hunt for special and carpy shots/images! You will never meet me on the banks without my Nikon! 

Gravel pits of various sizes are my main waters and there is a gravel pit right on my doorstep which I now know very well and which allows me to have uncomplicated and successful sessions at all times. On the other hand, I’ve been fishing regularly for some time in one of the most difficult waters I know and still have a lot to do there. It’s a special big lake with a certain magic. Even unsuccessful sessions are somehow breath-taking there! I hope to be able to catch some very special fish there in the future and at the same time I am open to many other possibilities. A personal highlight would also be a visit to England and the chance to catch a British original. In any case, the plans are already on the way!  

My absolute favourite toys from Wolf are my X3K rods. At the moment I can hardly imagine wanting to have other rods at some point. They are perfect tools in a great design…beautiful! In addition, the X-Spods are simply irreplaceable and, like the grandiose Icons, no longer have any competition on the market! Great products and happy to use them!  

PB: 54.5lbs from a public, German water 






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