An hours stalking lead to stunning common!

So after finishing the day shift of climbing trees and making sawdust, I had two hours spare to possibly get a bend in the rod. So that was the plan, I decided on giving myself a challenge, which was too only fish one rod!

So loading the gear up I made sure I had….

  • One Rod obviously the X3K as it’s the perfect all-rounder!
  • 1kilo of soaked bait.
  • Rig box
  • Carp care kit
  • Camera

Upon arriving at the lake, the first thing I always do is take the Polaroids and go for a few laps.

Finding the fish is paramount when stalking, after two or three laps I managed to find one tucked away in a set of lily pads no further then half a wrap from the bank. Whilst Watching the carps movements, I noticed it was going out and coming back in, so a quick decision was made. With the leaf matter and silt, I decided to go with my trusty supple hinge rig, consisting of uncoated braid, 3inch chod section, size 4 hook. Knowing this rig is strong and fast reacting.

After the fish swam back out, I knew it was time to gently lower the rig in close to a pad, a handful of crushed boilies around the rig and it was set. I carefully set the rod back from the bank, leaving it resting on its reel with a small pebble sat on the spool, which for then I sit back away from the edge of the water.

20 minutes or so went by and the pebble fell off, clutch ticking and tip bent round. A well-played battle went on, I couldn’t give the fish any movement towards the pads of I faced it getting off, but the X3K rods played it well, a few moments went by and over the cord, it went. Result!

Not a massive fish by any means, but a decent chunky common laid in the net. After stalking them I always tend to let them rest for a bit in the net, just lets them recover and gain a bit of energy! During that time I managed to set the camera up ready for self takes. After lowering the fish onto the mat I noticed it was a pristine common with white tips, which knocked the scales round too 20ib! After a few snaps and care products, I sent it’s on its way!

Leaving me happy and all done within an hour, taking the opportunity when I can allow me to put fish on the bank, and keep a bend in the rod. It’s important to have faith in the things you know such rigs and kit. The Wolf X3K’s are exactly that, soft and strong when you need it.

I went home forgetting about the day job and keeping my “carpy” portfolio up on the Instagram, it’s well worth using your time on the bank to the fullest when your there it all helps.

Liam Woolcott


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